전문가 초정강연을 아래와 같이 개최하오니 정보보호대학원 학생들은 반드시 참석하시기 바랍니다.



-   아    래   -


1. 일시 : 2011년 8월 25일 오전 11시

2. 장소 : 미래융합관 101호

3. 강연자 : Moti Yung ( Google and Columbia University)

4. 주제 : "Extreme" Threshold Cryptosystems.

5. 강의내용 :

Designing threshold that allow t out of n secret key shares to operate (to allow better security and availability) is a field that is over 20 years old.

Designing such systems without relaxation has been open (at least 10 years);

these systems have:

-Non Interactive (shareholders just send one message per decryption)

-Adaptively secure (adversary corrupts users during operation)

-Optimal resilience (need only majority)

-Robust (recover from faults)

-Secret share size independent of n and t

In this work we solve this problem.